Congregational Code of Conduct

Every person who participates in our Temple Emanuel community should know that they will be treated with respect and according to our highest values. In order to demonstrate Temple’s commitment to this principle, a Task Force of Temple members including Erin Barr, Aviva Diamond, Rob Edelson, Erica Goodman, Ilene Iskoe, Alicia Kozel, Michelle Markowitz, Bryan Rosenberger, and Holly Rudoy developed a Congregational Code of Conduct in consultation with Temple’s staff and Board of Trustees to make explicit the ways we should treat others and expect to be treated at Temple.

Please know that this effort has been undertaken proactively and is NOT a reaction to any specific known issue or incident at Temple. We are excited for this codification of Temple’s values and the ways that being explicit about them can help all of us create the sacred community that is Temple Emanuel.

Click here for a printable PDF version of the Code of Conduct.

If you would like to report an alleged violation of this Code of Conduct, please contact at least one of the following Temple leaders: the Chair of the Human Resources Committee, the President, the Rabbi Aaron Meyer, or Kate Louik.  The process for addressing alleged violations of the Code of Conduct will balance the Jewish principles of judgment (din) and compassion (rachamim). All individuals will be responded to with sensitivity and compassion. Judgment will be withheld pending completion of a full evaluation. During information gathering and/or consideration of a resolution for an ethics violation, the committee shall bear in mind that, as a sacred community, healing and reconciliation are important goals to achieve.