The High Holy Days Continue…

Many of our students joined us for the Torah Center Yom Kippur Programming – as participants or as Madrichim – student aides. Despite the solemn mood of the day, many smiles were seen in the classrooms and hallways:

Thank you once again to everyone – our teachers, parents & teens – who made the day a succes!

On Sunday, it was a beautiful day to decorate our new outdoor sukkah:

On Monday night, in Mr. Karp’s Comparative Religions class, our 9th Grade students visited with the Reverend Leslie Reimer and learned about Protestantism:

 Chag Sameach… Have a Happy Sukkkot!

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Coming Up:

Erev Simchat Torah Dinner and Service on Wednesday, October 19th; Free Hot Dog Dinner at 6 pm, Festival Service at 7 pm. The service includes the Consecration of our newest students in Kindergarten-2nd Grade. All are invited to attend! RSVP for dinner to Helaine at [email protected]  

Sajowitz Weekend Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Dr. Danny Schiff will speak to parents on Sunday, October 23rd. Brunch will be at 10 am (following the Minyan) and Rabbi Dr. Danny Schiff will speak at 10:30 am on “Teaching Kids the Truth: Why Judaism is not a ‛Religion’”
Jr. J-Club (grades 4&5) and J-Club (grades 6-8) visit Simmons Farm on Sunday, October 23rd, following Torah Center classes, with Temple’s Youth Director, Jayna Rubin, for a fun filled afternoon. RSVP to Jayna at [email protected] so that we can purchase the tickets at the group rate. We are also looking for parents to help with the event… let Jayna know if you are available.

L'Shana Tova…

Welcome 5772! May this New Year will be a year of health, happiness and sweetness for everyone! Here in the Torah Center we celebrated in style with our special Rosh Hashanah programming:

Thanks to all the teen and adult volunters who made it possible! A few took a moment to strike a pose:


On Sunday, students in Kindergarten-2nd Grade met with Rabbi Locketz to look at the Torah:

Our 3rd Grade students created art using their “hands” to think about what they can do differently during the coming year:

In Mrs. Sufrin’s class, our 4th Grade students tried blowing the shofar:


On Monday,  our 7th Graders participated enthusiastically in their classes:

Our 9th Grade students enjoyed their Comparative Religions class:

And Hafsakah (break) is of course a highlight of the Jewish High School:


Another great week!

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Coming Up:

Torah Center Yom Kippur Programming for Kindergarten-6th Grade on Saturday, October 8th at 9 am

Teen Yom Kippur Service for Grades 7-12, Saturday, October 8th at 11:45 am

Sukkot Family Day on Sunday, October 9th, 10am-12 noon (no regular Torah Center classes that morning); Come decorate our outdoor sukkah and participate in fun Sukkot activites for the entire family!

Erev Sukkot Dinner and Service on Wednesday, October 12th; Free Spaghetti Dinner at 6 pm, Service at 7 pm. All are invited to attend! RSVP for dinner to Helaine at [email protected]  

So Much Is Going On…

So much is going on here at the Torah Center… it’s hard to keep track of it all! Everyone is busy learning, playing, and having a great time! Here’s a look at what happened during the past week.

On Wednesday, Mr. Karp’s 3rd Grade Hebrew class practiced their letters while working together to check each other’s work:

Mrs. Levy’s 5th Grade Lifecycles class created and performed skits showing how all of life’s events can have a Jewish spin:

On Sunday, Our Kindergarteners enjoyed the warm weather while playing “Adom (red) Light, Yarok (green) Light” with a twist  – Kahol (blue) meant ‘time to dance’!

Our 1st Grade students enjoyed singing songs for Rosh Hashanah and hearing a good story in the library:


Both Mrs. Katz’ and Mrs. McFerron’s 2nd grade classes took a break from learning about the Jewish calendar to pose:

Mrs. Schlesinger’s 6th Grade Hebrew class was awesome!


On Monday, our 8th Grade students made collages using different images to show how pictures inform, persuade and show as part of their curriculum ‘the Jewish Lens.’

The entire Jewish High School joined the Confirmation class for their Consecration Ceremony. Mazel Tov!

What a week!

Shana Tova – a Sweet New Year to All!

Coming Up:

Torah Center Rosh Hashana Programming for Kindergarten-6th Grade Thursday, September 29th at 9 am

Teen Rosh Hashana Service for grades 7-12, Thursday, September 29th at 11:45 am


A Great Beginning…

Welcome to the NEW Torah Center Blog!

This is The Place to find out what is happening in your child’s classroom. Look here each week for updates on the latest and greatest going on here at Temple. Different classes will be highlighted each week.

Weeks 1 & 2 were a great success… students and teachers alike were happy to be back – greeting each other after the summer break. Here’s a look at last Sunday, September 18: 

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Our new Pre-K class learned that Rosh Hashanah is called ‘the Birthday of the World’ and decorated cakes and made shofars for the party.


Kindergarteners listened intently as Mrs. Levy read a story about Rosh Hashanah.


Our 2nd graders learned about the story of creation and acted out the different days.

Our 3rd and 4th graders played a High Holiday trivia game with Rabbi Locketz. Ask your child what they learned about the holidays!

All in all, a great morning!

Coming up:

High Holiday Baking for Jr. herpes treatment J-Club (grades 4 &5), next Sunday, September 25th right after Torah center Classes

3rd Grade Parents’ Meeting with Mr. Karp next Sunday, September 25th at 11:30 am

10th Grade Confirmation Consecration & Parents Meeting next Monday, September 26th at 7:20 pm