Off and Running…

…into 2012! With nearly two weeks of winter break behind us, teachers and students alike came back to the Torah Center full of energy and enthusiasm. Here’s what’s happened since the break ended:

On shabbat afternoon, 2nd grade families met for a Havdalah program. It was a beautiful evening – clear enough to actually see 3 stars! On Sunday it was 1st grade family day… and time to once again start up the Parent Connection, a fantastic program that keeps students and their families reading Jewish books together!

The parents met with our Librarian, Paula Altschul to learn how the program works and then helped their children decorate frames to hold the pictures we took of them.

Elsewhere in the Torah Center… in anticipation of Tu B’Shevat, our Kindergarteners made trees using their handprints:

And our 5th and 6th Graders enjoyed rocking with Mr. Rosenthal in music… one talented student even took over for him!

On Wednesday, Mrs. Pardo’s 4th Grade students enjoyed an intergenerational text study. Thank you to all the parents, grandparents & congregants who joined them!

In Mrs. Claypool’s Hebrew class, students reviewed the Hebrew root of ‘”V’ahavta” – to love:


Mrs. Sogoloff helped students with their Hebrew studies:

And students were puzzled by the caution tape blocking entry into the Sanctuary and Social Hall:

What’s going on? NEW CARPET! Be sure to stop by next week and check it out!

What a week! Things are happening here at the Torah Center!

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Coming Up:

There will be NO TORAH CENTER CLASSES this Sunday, January 15th or Monday, January 16th. 

J-Club  (grades 6-8) and J-Team (Grades 9-12) are eatin’ wings and playin’ Laser Tag on Sunday, January 22nd from 12:30-4 pm. Where?   Extreme Laser Storm and Buffalo Wild Wings in Robinson Town Center. Cost is $11 for laser tag plus lunch money. RSVP to Jayna Rubin at [email protected]

Getting Ready for Chanukah, Part II

Even though by the time you read this we will be well into our celebration of Chanukah (or at least past the first night!), Sunday was yet another day of preparation for one of our favorite holidays. The students received gelt and dreidls, sang Chanukah songs, made decorations and cards for loved ones, and more! Here are some of the hightlights:

Our Pre-K class used the felt board to sing songs about the Menorah and visited the art room to make special Chanukah placemats:

The 3rd grade used the puppets they made last week to create puppet shows that recapped the important lessons they have learned in Mrs. Schake’s Prophets class:

Our 5th Graders made Chanukah cards in their classrooms. The designs they made included dreidl cutouts and other creative things:

The 5th Graders also unknowingly created a Chanukah video… thanks to Mrs. Levy and an older student for putting their poses and the music together! Check it out the Temple Emanuel Facebook Page or at tonight’s Chanukah Dinner and Party!

Hope everyone is having a Happy Chanukah! See you next week for pictures from this evening’s celebration.

(Sorry for today’s technical difficulties that may have resulted in numerous emails to those who are subscribed to the blog… 🙂 )

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Coming Up:

There will be NO TORAH CENTER CLASSES on Sunday, December 25th- Monday, January 2nd. Have a great winter break!

2nd Grade Family Day is SATURDAY, January 7th  from 4-6 pm. Please plan on joining your children at Torah Center that afternoon for a special Havdalah program.
1st Grade Family Day is Sunday, January 8th from 9:30 am – 12 noon. Please plan on joining your children at Torah Center for activities that will allow you to learn and experience Judaism together. 

Getting Ready for Chanukah, Part I

The countdown to Chanukah is on… time for Chanukah related crafts, mitzvah-oriented gift giving, youth group activites and more!

On Saturday night, J-TEAM (our youth group for students in grades 9-12) kicked off the Chanukah season with a Pre-Chanukah Progressive Party complete with good food, grab-bag gifts and lots of fun!

On Sunday, it wasn’t ALL about Chanukah… our Kindergarten students and their parents came together for a morning of activites to finish up their unit about Shabbat. To add to the challah cover and placemat they made previously, the morning’s projects included decorating a Kiddish cup and candlesticks to be used at home during their own family’s Shabbat observance:

Our 3rd Graders made prophet puppets to display what they have learned in Mrs. Schake’s prophets class:

As part of Mrs. Schlesinger’s Israel class, our 6th Graders learned about different immigrant groups in Israel and even dressed the part:

Sunday morning also included the annual Mitzvah Mall, the chance to make donations to worthwhile organizations including Temple’s Caring Community, the Children’s Village, the Humane Society, SHIM, Ronald McDonald House, JNF, and Invisible Children. In return for a small donation, students received a beautiful Chanukah or holiday card acknowledging the donation along with a description of which mitzvah goes along with the work of the organization. In essence – easy holiday shopping for a good cause!

The 1st graders waited to hear about the different organizations:

It was difficult to decide which organizations to visit! An older student explained what the Children’s Village is all about:

A 4th Grader visited the Humane Society table and met Max the dog:

Following Torah Center, J-Club (Grades 6-8) spent the afternoon at the Young Chef’s Academy preparing Chanukah foods:

The countdown continues… stay tuned! Have a great week!

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Coming Up:

Jr. J-Club  (grades 4-5) is hanging with the Bead Lady THIS Sunday, December 18th from 12:15-2 pm following Torah Center.  Cost is $12 and includes a pizza lunch and 2 bookmarks. RSVP to Jayna Rubin at [email protected]

Chanukah begins on Tuesday, December 20th.
The Temple Emanuel Chanukah Dinner & Party will be on Wednesday, December 21st at 6 pm. Free for children 12 and under; $5 for adults and older children. Cost includes a hotdog dinner, latkes, singing, crafts and more! RSVP to Lori at [email protected]
There will be NO TORAH CENTER CLASSES on Sunday, December 25th- Monday, January 2nd. Have a great winter break!

Never a Dull Moment

What exactly do our students do during their time in the the Torah Center? Lots of things! There is rarely a dull moment in our hallways and classrooms. Here’s a look at what’s been going on during the past few weeks… without a doubt, exciting stuff is happening!

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Our kindergarteners went to the art room and worked on a Chanukah project –  a menorah that can be used to “light” another candle each night:


Third Grade Family Day brought students and parents together to talk about our relationship with God. The morning included attending Minyan, playing ‘Get-to-Know-You’ bingo, studying text as a family, and decorating wooden mezuzot, the symbol of our love for God:

Mrs. Sufrin’s 4th Grade class connected to Israel in a new and exciting way: through an internet phone and video service much like Skype. Torah Center parent Adit Green called family members in Israel and gave our students the opportunity to ask questions and to learn what life is like for Israeli kids. What did they discover? Life is pretty much the same there as it is here!

It was an enjoyable morning for all… including the chance for our students to show off their new siddurim (prayer books):

As part of Mrs. Oshlag’s class, the 5th Graders have been learning about the Prophets, that they taught it is important to care for everyone in our community. To further emphasize this, they made hats to be given to SHIM (South Hills Interfaith Ministry) to be used in their upcoming fundraising fair. It was a fun project for a worthy cause:



The 7th Grade took time to reflect on their recent trip to the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC. Using a technique called ‘Handmade Midrash,’ the only materials available to them were construction paper, glue and their hands. No markers or scissors allowed! The end result was incredible – showing how meaningful the experience was to them. For a closer look at the individual projects, be sure to check out the bulletin board outside of the WRJ Room:

Our 8th Graders enjoyed debating which Jewish values are the most important ones. The task: to whittle down a rather large list to no more than 10-15 shared values. Not an easy thing to do!

Who has time to be bored?!

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Coming Up:

Grades 5 & 6 are invited to the Bagel Brunch and Family Minyan this Saturday, December 10th. Please join us for bagels at 10:00 am followed by a family friendly Shabbat morning service at 10:30 am. Please let Helaine know of your attendance plans.
J-Team (Grades 9-12) Annual Chanukah Party

is THIS Saturday, December 10th.  RSVP to jayna at  [email protected].

Kindergarten Family Day is THIS Sunday, December 11th from 9:30 am – 12 noon. Please plan on joining your children at Torah Center for activities that will allow you to learn and experience Judaism together. 
The Annual Mitzvah Mall will be THIS Sunday, December 11th.   For more information, plase check the weekly Torah Center email. 
J-Club  (grades 6-8) is cooking at the Young Chef’s Academy on Sunday, December 11th from 1:00-3:00 pm.  RSVP to Jayna Rubin at [email protected].

Much To Be Thankful For…

This year when we gather with family and friends around the Thanksgiving table, let us really consider how much we have to be thankful for – and take the time to say thank you; not only to God for the many blessings we have received, but also to our loved ones for being a part of our lives.

On that note, there is much for which to be thankful here in the Torah Center: dedicated teachers and madrichim who give so much of themselves each and every week; caring parents and students who take advantage of all the opportunities offered here at Temple Emanuel. A big thank you goes to everyone who makes our school a successful one. What an incredible team we have! 🙂 

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This past week was business as usual. In a nutshell: BUSY! 

Our Pre-K class met and learned about Tzedakkah. In addition to making their own Tzedakkah cans to take home, they also worked together to decorate one to keep in the classroom to collect money for the organization ‘Birthday Angels’ which helps disadvantaged kids in Israel to have birthday parties:

Our 1st Graders learned about Shabbat:

Our 2nd Graders studied the biblical story of the Tower of Babel, and learned how difficult it can be to work together to build a “tower”:

During 5th Grade Family Day, students and parents joined together in learning about the ritual objects tefillin, tallit & kipah, and engaged in discussions about prayer:

Elsewhere in the Torah Center, one Madrich looks for snack for his class:

And another helps a student get caught up in his Hebrew studies:

Meanwhile, our 7th Graders (along with a few parents) traveled with their Beth El counterparts to Washington, DC to visit the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. It was an exhausting but incredibly worthwhile day:


What a week!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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Coming Up:

There will be NO TORAH CENTER CLASSES on Wednesday, November 23rd or Sunday, November 27th. Happy Thanksgiving!
Our next Shabbat LaMishpacha Dinner and Family service of the year is on Friday, December 2nd! Please let Lori in the main office know if you are able to attend the dinner. The cost is $15 for adults, $5.50 for children under 14. Can’t make it to the dinner?  Join us for the service.  This is a “don’t miss” event! See you there!
3rd Grade Family Day is Sunday, December 4th from 9:30 am – 12 noon. Please plan on joining your children at Torah Center for activities that will allow you to learn and experience Judaism together. 


Hebrew Raps and Family Days… What Could Be Better?

In the Torah Center, we are always looking for creative ways to evaluate our students. This past week, tests were out and rap songs were in!

In Mrs. Frey’s 5th Grade Hebrew class, the students were asked to write and perform a rap song (or jingle) about the the prayer they just learned – the Avot v’Imahot. The assignement was to remind others about our Jewish ancestors using the names in both English and Hebrew of the Patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the Matriarchs – Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, and also to include the word “ancestors”.  Some of the groups were very creative!

On Sunday, we had our first Family day of the school year. Our 4th Grade students were joined by their parents for an action-packed morning of prayer, learning and fun!

After the Minyan, everyone enjoyed a bagel breakfast while studying a bit of Torah surrounding the morning’s theme – Hachnasot Orchim – being welcoming and hospitable:

The parents moved to the Community room to work on a special project – decorating covers for the prayer books that will be presented to the 4th Grade at the Family Shabbat service next month (Shhh!!!!! It’s a surpise for the students!). It was a task done with a lot of hard work, enthusiasm and love:

Meanwhile, the students were continuing the discussion about being welcoming to others and… to themselves as well. They decorated B’tzelem Elohim mirrors to remind themselves that they are created in the image of God:

On Monday, Rabbi Locketz’ 8th Grade class talked about what values are and discussed how our values guide us throughout our lives. To begin, the students made lists on the board of what is important to them and compared what they wrote. They discovered that they had many things in common! 

Another great week… stay tuned for more!

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Coming Up:

5th Grade Family Day is Sunday, November 20th from 9:30 am – 12 noon. Please plan on joining your children at Torah Center for activities that will allow you to learn and experience Judaism together. 
There will be NO TORAH CENTER CLASSES on Wednesday, November 23rd or Sunday, November 27th. Happy Thanksgiving!
Our next Shabbat LaMishpacha Dinner and Family service of the year is on Friday, December 2nd! Please let Lori in the main office know if you are able to attend the dinner. The cost is $15 for adults, $5.50 for children under 14. Can’t make it to the dinner?  Join us for the service.  This is a “don’t miss” event! See you there!

Time to Catch Up, Part II

Last week’s post involved never-before-seen pictures of our students in Kindergarten through 6th Grade. This week, it’s time to see what our Jewish High School Students have been up to…

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Our 7th Graders have been studying the rise of anti-semitism in Germany and events of the Shoah (Holocaust) in anticipation of their upcoming trip to the United States Holocaust memorial Museum in Washington. DC:

But it’s not all serious talk and reflection:

And last week’s Fire Alarm (everything is ok, really!) was a fun time away from class:

Our 8th Graders have been busy taking pictures (as part of The Jewish Lens curriculum) and not posing in them… but here are a few of them ready to sort garbage during the Judasim and the Environment elective:

Doing the dirty work – deciding what can be recycled, composted or thrown away:

Our 9th Graders met with Karen Hussaini of the Oakland Islamic Center and the Monroeville Muslim Community Center to learn about Islam:

The 10th Grade Confirmation class continued their ongoing discussion about Judaism with Rabbi Mahler:

Great things are happening at Temple in the Jewish High School on Monday nights!

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Coming Up:

4th Grade Family Day is THIS Sunday, November 13th from 9:30 am – 12 noon. Please plan on joining your children at Torah Center for activities that will allow you to learn and experience Judaism together. 
J Club (Grades 6-8) Steeler’s Party  is THIS Sunday, November 13th at the Abrams’ house from 12:15 until the end of the game. RSVP to jayna at [email protected].
5th Grade Family Day is Sunday, November 20th from 9:30 am – 12 noon. Please plan on joining your children at Torah Center for activities that will allow you to learn and experience Judaism together. 

Time to Catch Up…

This past weekend Fall (or was it winter?!?!) arrived with gusto… bringing with it less sunshine, cooler temperatures and even snow! 

It was a quiet week here in the Torah Center as we settled into our routine now that the holidays are behind us. So it seems like a good time to “catch up,” to post pictures that haven’t yet been shared with all of you. Here then, are additional pictures from Kindergarten-6th grade during the first two months of school. Enjoy!

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Our Kindergarten class takes every opportunity to dance!

1st Graders enjoy a relaxing and engaging storytime in the library:

Our 2nd Graders enjoy a good laugh now and then:


The 3rd Grade took a “field trip” to look at the gemstones embedded in the outer wall of Temple and discussed the 613 commandments they represent:

Always happy to be at the Torah Center!

4th Graders listen to a madricha (teen assistant) teach about the map of Israel:

Our 5th Graders love to show off their Hebrew skills:

6th Grade made Torah covers for our newest students and enjoyed a day of Israeli games and activities:

A great year so far!

Next week: a focus on the Jewish High School.

Don’t forget to “fall behind” this Saturday evening and enjoy an extra hour of sleep!

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Coming Up:

TONIGHT is our first Family service of the year at 7:30 pm.  This is a “don’t miss” event! See you there!
There will be NO TORAH CENTER CLASSES on Sunday, November 6th.
Jr. J Club (Grades 4 & 5) Ice Skating at Mt Lebanon Ice Rink is THIS Sunday, November 6th from 2-4 pm. Cost for students is $6 plus a $3 skate rental fee. RSVP to Jayna at [email protected]
4th Grade Family Day is Sunday, November 13th from 9:30 am – 12 noon. Please plan on joining your children at Torah Center for activities that will allow you to learn and experience Judaism together. 

Consecration, Dancing, Cooking and More

The month of holidays came to an end with our rousing celebration of Simchat Torah. Amid much dancing and singing, we read the end of Deuteronomy, rolled the Torah all the way to the beginning and started over with the first verses of Genesis and the Creation story. We also welcomed our newest students to the Torah Center:

On Sunday, our Kindergarten class learned the song David Melech Yisrael and then spiced it up by adding a disco beat:

Our 1st Graders visited the Art Room and made beautiful pictures of Shabbat candles:

During Kehillah (community time), students in Kindergarten-2nd Grade met with Rabbi Locketz in the Beit haT’fila. We looked out the window at the gemstones in the building’s outer walls. Each stone represents one of the 613 commandments:

On Monday, members of the Youth group met with our Youth Director Jayna to discuss upcoming events:

The 10th Grade cooking elective had another great (and safe!) class in the kitchen:

On Wednesday, in Ms. Freed’s Partners With God class, our 3rd Graders drew pictures of ‘things that are real but cannot be seen’ and played hangman to determine the concluding words of the bracha (blessing) for study:

Our 5th Grade students had a lot of fun in Mrs. Frey’s Hebrew class:

and were fascinated in Mrs. Levy’s Life Cycle class by the ceremonies of Pidyon HaBen (redemption of the first born) and Upsherin (a traditional Jewish haircutting ceremony held when a boy is 3 years old):

And our 6th Grade students took a break from learning the prayers of the Torah service to pose for a picture:

Whew! What a busy week!

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Coming Up:

There will be NO JHS CLASSES on Monday, October 31st.
Our first Shabbat LaMishpacha Dinner and Family service of the year is on Friday, November 4th! Please let Lori in the main office know if you are able to attend the dinner. The cost is $15 for adults, $5.50 for children under 14. Can’t make it to the dinner?  Join us for the service.  This is a “don’t miss” event! See you there!
There will be NO TORAH CENTER CLASSES on Sunday, November 6th.

Sukkot Is In The Air

Fall is here… and with it, the holiday of Sukkot!

On Sunday, our Pre-K students read the story “Engineer Ari and the Sukkah Express” and built their own sukkah on our new felt board:

Thankfully, the weather cooperated (even if it was a bit chilly!) and everyone was able to visit our new outdoor sukkah, and to take a turn shaking the lulav and etrog:

A big thank you to Ms. Freed for helping everyone to enjoy their time in the sukkah!

And now – on to the next holiday! So…

Chag Sameach… Have a joyous Simchat Torah!

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Coming Up:

Sajowitz Weekend Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Dr. Danny Schiff will speak to parents on Sunday, October 23rd. Brunch will be at 10 am (following the Minyan) and Rabbi Dr. Danny Schiff will speak at 10:30 am on “Teaching Kids the Truth: Why Judaism is not a ‛Religion’”
Jr. J-Club (grades 4&5) and J-Club (grades 6-8) visit Simmons Farm on Sunday, October 23rd, following Torah Center classes, with Temple’s
Youth Director, Jayna Rubin, for a fun filled afternoon. RSVP to Jayna at [email protected] so that we can purchase the tickets at the group rate. We are also looking for parents to help with the event… let Jayna know if you are available.
The Youth Team will be meeting  on Monday, October 24th, from 7:30-8:30 pm. If you would like to be a part of overseeing activities for 4th – 10th graders and would like to work with Temple’s Youth Director and Rabbi Locketz, come to the meeting and join the Youth Team!
Dr. Mindy Hutchinson will discuss “When to Worry About Your Child’s Worries”  on October  27th at 7:30 pm. 
Our first Shabbat LaMishpacha Dinner and Family service of the year is on Friday, November 4th! Please let Lori in the main office know if you are able to attend the dinner. The cost is $15 for adults, $5.50 for children under 14. Can’t make it to the dinner?  Join us for the service.  This is a “don’t miss” event! See you there!
There will be NO JHS CLASSES on Monday, October 31st.
There will be NO TORAH CENTER CLASSES on Sunday, November 6th.