We welcome you to join us for worship, education and community in our synagogue. We are a Reform Jewish congregation located in the South Hills of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

1250 Bower Hill Road Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Phone: (412) 279-7600

Grandparents Group Coffee Meetup

Want to be part of Temple Emanuel's Grandparents Group? We are excited for our second year of learning and kehillah! Email Sarah Mangan to learn more.

An Evening with Roots: Two Truths in One Heart, Two Peoples in One Land

Scroll down to register! Join the Temple Emanuel and St. Paul's Episcopal communities to learn from Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger and Noor A’wad about the challenging and groundbreaking work of Roots/Shorashim/Judur – an Israeli-Palestinian grassroots initiative for understanding, nonviolence and transformation based in Judea & Samaria/the West Bank. Roots is a unique network of local Palestinians […]

Book of Remembrance Form Due

In the Book of Remembrance, we inscribe the names of our loved ones to show our acknowledgement that those who came before us, taught us, loved us and inspired us […]