Sunday Morning Minyan
All are welcome to join this casual, brief, lay-led service. Join in person in the Beit HaT'filah or online via Zoom. This is a great opportunity to become familiar with the service and with Hebrew, to meet other members, and to say Kaddish.
Friday Afternoon Torah Study
Join Rabbi Meyer for a 45-minute discussion of Proverbs, the wisdom literature of Jewish tradition, on Zoom by clicking here.
Shabbat Evening Service
Join us for Shabbat evening service with Rabbi Aaron Meyer and Cantor Kalix Jacobson in the Beit HaT'filah. The service will also be livestreamed on our Facebook and YouTube pages. Join us for a nosh and conversation at oneg following the service.
Virtual Shabbat Morning Service
Our Shabbat morning videos will be released on Facebook and YouTube. One will include the traditional first Aliyah from our Sefer Torah in Hebrew and translation, and a brief exposition of how the themes and lessons of the parasha (Torah portion) relate to our modern lives.
Torah Study
Saturday morning Torah Study with Rabbi Aaron Meyer will be offered in person at Temple and via Zoom video-conference. Zoom access can be found by clicking here.
Sunday Morning Minyan
All are welcome to join this casual, brief, lay-led service. Join in person in the Beit HaT'filah or online via Zoom. This is a great opportunity to become familiar with the service […]
Friday Afternoon Torah Study
Join Rabbi Meyer for a 45-minute discussion of Proverbs, the wisdom literature of Jewish tradition, on Zoom by clicking here.
KIDdish Club
We will join at Temple Emanuel for a kid-friendly dinner and craft from 5:30 to 6:00, followed by a fast-paced musical Shabbat for the whole family at 6:00 PM. Stay for cookies and additional time for play after the service! While this program is designed with those ages 0-6 in mind, older siblings, parents, and grandparents […]