Friday Afternoon Torah Center
Join Rabbi Meyer for a 45-minute discussion of Proverbs, the wisdom literature of Jewish tradition, on Zoom by clicking here.
We welcome you to join us for worship, education and community in our synagogue. We are a Reform Jewish congregation located in the South Hills of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
1250 Bower Hill Road Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Phone: (412) 279-7600
Join Rabbi Meyer for a 45-minute discussion of Proverbs, the wisdom literature of Jewish tradition, on Zoom by clicking here.
Join us for Shabbat evening service with Rabbi Aaron Meyer and Cantor Kalix Jacobson in the Beit HaT'filah. The service will also be livestreamed on our Facebook and YouTube pages. Join us for a nosh […]
Our Shabbat morning videos will be released on Facebook and YouTube. One will include the traditional first Aliyah from our Sefer Torah in Hebrew and translation, and a brief exposition of how the themes and lessons of […]
Saturday morning Torah Study with Rabbi Aaron Meyer will be offered in person at Temple and via Zoom video-conference. Zoom access can be found by clicking here.
Join us to organize SHIM's clothing closet to find donations for the Humane Society. All ages welcome. Donations of blankets and towels for dogs and/or pet food can be dropped […]
Join us virtually for Havdalah on Temple’s Facebook page.
All are welcome to join this casual, brief, lay-led service. Join in person in the Beit HaT'filah or online via Zoom. This is a great opportunity to become familiar with the service […]
Join in for table games of Mahjong. RSVP to Sarah.
Join Rabbi Meyer for a 45-minute discussion of Proverbs, the wisdom literature of Jewish tradition, on Zoom by clicking here.
We are so excited to celebrate Chanukah with you! Reservations for the dinner portion of this event have now closed. To be added to the waitlist, please call the office at 412-279-7600. We hope to see you at either our 5:30 PM family service or our 7:00 PM traditional service featuring Central Synagogue's Cantorial Intern […]