Sunday Morning Minyan
Join the lay-led Sunday morning minyan in person in the Beit HaT’filah join virtually on Zoom.
Temple Emanuel Postcard Writing Party to Encourage Voting
Social HallJoin fellow Temple Emanuel members in writing postcards to encourage voter registration and voting. Reach out to friends and family in your circle by writing postcards urging them to make sure they are registered to vote and plan to vote on November 8th. We will provide the post cards, but please bring your own postcard […]
Join us in Temple’s Courtyard Sukkah!
Kids are invited to create a special craft and adults to join in a nosh and conversation before a chance to shake the lulav and smell the etrog during our Sukkot service. This service will be outside so please dress accordingly!
TERMS Get-Together in the Sukkah
Interested in joining TERMS (Temple Emanuel Retirees in Mitzvah Service)? Come and schmooze with the group, meet new friends and learn more about their volunteer efforts. Contact Roger Liss with any questions.
WTE: Potluck Sukkot Dinner
SukkahJoin WTE for a Potluck Sukkot Dinner in the Sukkah! We will plan to gather and eat outdoors unless the weather pushes us inside. Sign up to bring something to our potluck here. This will also serve as an RSVP for seating. In the spirit of Ushpizin and Women of Temple, think about which Jewish woman […]
Friday Afternoon Torah Study
Temple’s Shabbat morning Torah Study frequently focuses on a single idea or verse, leaving much on the cutting room floor for further exploration. Curious what else the sages of our tradition were thinking? Join Rabbi Meyer on Zoom by clicking here for a 45 minute sneak peek!
KIDdish Club Shabbat
Activities for families and kids ages 0-6. Regularly scheduled service to follow.
Sunday Morning Minyan
Join the lay-led Sunday morning minyan in person in the Beit HaT’filah join virtually on Zoom.