Friday Afternoon Torah Study
Temple’s Shabbat morning Torah Study frequently focuses on a single idea or verse, leaving much on the cutting room floor for further exploration. Curious what else the sages of our […]
We welcome you to join us for worship, education and community in our synagogue. We are a Reform Jewish congregation located in the South Hills of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
1250 Bower Hill Road Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Phone: (412) 279-7600
Temple’s Shabbat morning Torah Study frequently focuses on a single idea or verse, leaving much on the cutting room floor for further exploration. Curious what else the sages of our […]
Join us for our Shabbat evening services in the Beit HaT’filah (masks are optional). You can also continue to connect with us via Temple’s website, Facebook, or Youtube. An electronic copy of […]
“Self-Serve Pick Up” Tuesday, May 14th (after noon) and Wednesday, May 15th Temple Emanuel Courtyard Questions? Contact the Office at 412-279-7600
“Self-Serve Pick Up” Tuesday, May 14th (after noon) and Wednesday, May 15th Temple Emanuel Courtyard Questions? Contact the Office at 412-279-7600
Temple Emanuel Retirees in Mitzvah Service In the Community Room or join on Zoom using this link.
Temple’s Shabbat morning Torah Study frequently focuses on a single idea or verse, leaving much on the cutting room floor for further exploration. Curious what else the sages of our tradition were thinking? Join Rabbi Meyer on Zoom by clicking here for a 45 minute sneak peek!
KIDdish Club offers a kid-friendly dinner, craft projects and play time; and a fast-paced musical introduction to Shabbat. Don’t worry if you can’t make it right at 5:30pm — you can drop in anytime! While this program is designed with those ages 0-6 in mind, older siblings, parents and even grandparents are welcome. Rebecca Closson, […]
Join us for our Shabbat evening services in the Beit HaT’filah (masks are optional). You can also continue to connect with us via Temple’s website, Facebook, or Youtube. An electronic copy of Mishkan T’filah, the congregation’s prayer book, can be accessed here. Immediately following the service, enjoy a nosh at the oneg and schmooze with fellow congregants!
Join us for Temple’s 3rd Annual Walk/Run to benefit SHIM on Sunday, May 19th at 10am. We welcome walkers and runners of all ages (Temple members & non-members) for this non-competitive event. Whether you walk a mile or run a 5K (3.1 miles), 100% of your registration fee goes toward supporting SHIM! Water and Eat […]
Now more than ever is the time to commemorate and celebrate Israel. Join the Greater Pittsburgh Jewish community for a march to stand with Israel, and afterwards enjoy Israeli-themed activities and live music from the band HaShayara from Kibbutz Eshbal in Misgav at our community-wide Yom Ha’atzmaut event. The march will begin at Beth Shalom […]