Sunday Morning Minyan
All are welcome to join this casual, brief, lay-led service. Join in person in the Beit HaT'filah or online via Zoom. This is a great opportunity to become familiar with the service and with Hebrew, to meet other members, and to say Kaddish.
South Hill Community Purim Carnival
Join PJ Library, Temple Emanuel, the JCC of Greater Pittsburgh and Beth El for games, bounce houses, crafts and more! Location: South Hills JCC, 345 Kane Blvd $18 per family to attend 2 sessions for families to enjoy the carnival, 9:30-11:15 and 10:45-12:30. At 10:45-11:15, all families will join together for a Purim shpiel. Register […]
Information Sessions about our December 2025 Israel Trip!
Rabbi Meyer, together with Rabbi Daniel Fellman of Temple Sinai and Rabbi Alex Greenbaum of Beth El, invite you to join them on a trip to Israel this December 2025. Many have filled out our brief survey asking about insights and travel expectations to better shape the structure and itinerary of this trip. It’s not […]
Team Sandwich
Join us to address food insecurity in the Pittsburgh region by making and donating sandwiches every third Tuesday of the month. Drop-off is between 1:00 and 1:30 pm, but feel free to drop them off at a time that is convenient for you. Email Susie Hommel to sign up and learn more!
Loop Knitting Workshop
Join us for a loop knitting workshop with Cantor Rena Shapiro. We will learn to make scarves from Loop Yarn through a finger knitting method. No needles, special tools, or previous knitting experience required! This workshop is BYOY: bring your own yarn. Search for "Loop Yarn" at Joann's or online to purchase the colors you […]
Friday Afternoon Torah Study
Join Rabbi Meyer for a 45-minute discussion of Proverbs, the wisdom literature of Jewish tradition, on Zoom by clicking here.
Shabbat Evening Service
Join us for Shabbat evening service with Rabbi Aaron Meyer and Cantor Kalix Jacobson in the Beit HaT'filah. The service will also be livestreamed on our Facebook and YouTube pages. Join us for a nosh and conversation at oneg following the service.
Community Conversation
Please plan to join Rabbi Aaron Meyer and Michelle Markowitz for our next Community Conversation after Shabbat Evening Services on Friday, March 21st. When people who are new to Temple Emanuel join us for a service, program, or educational opportunity, we often hear how welcomed they feel. We know that this is because our community […]
Virtual Shabbat Morning Service
Our Shabbat morning videos will be released on Facebook and YouTube. One will include the traditional first Aliyah from our Sefer Torah in Hebrew and translation, and a brief exposition of how the themes and lessons of the parasha (Torah portion) relate to our modern lives.