Sukkot Is In The Air

Fall is here… and with it, the holiday of Sukkot!

On Sunday, our Pre-K students read the story “Engineer Ari and the Sukkah Express” and built their own sukkah on our new felt board:

Thankfully, the weather cooperated (even if it was a bit chilly!) and everyone was able to visit our new outdoor sukkah, and to take a turn shaking the lulav and etrog:

A big thank you to Ms. Freed for helping everyone to enjoy their time in the sukkah!

And now – on to the next holiday! So…

Chag Sameach… Have a joyous Simchat Torah!

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Coming Up:

Sajowitz Weekend Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Dr. Danny Schiff will speak to parents on Sunday, October 23rd. Brunch will be at 10 am (following the Minyan) and Rabbi Dr. Danny Schiff will speak at 10:30 am on “Teaching Kids the Truth: Why Judaism is not a ‛Religion’”
Jr. J-Club (grades 4&5) and J-Club (grades 6-8) visit Simmons Farm on Sunday, October 23rd, following Torah Center classes, with Temple’s
Youth Director, Jayna Rubin, for a fun filled afternoon. RSVP to Jayna at [email protected] so that we can purchase the tickets at the group rate. We are also looking for parents to help with the event… let Jayna know if you are available.
The Youth Team will be meeting  on Monday, October 24th, from 7:30-8:30 pm. If you would like to be a part of overseeing activities for 4th – 10th graders and would like to work with Temple’s Youth Director and Rabbi Locketz, come to the meeting and join the Youth Team!
Dr. Mindy Hutchinson will discuss “When to Worry About Your Child’s Worries”  on October  27th at 7:30 pm. 
Our first Shabbat LaMishpacha Dinner and Family service of the year is on Friday, November 4th! Please let Lori in the main office know if you are able to attend the dinner. The cost is $15 for adults, $5.50 for children under 14. Can’t make it to the dinner?  Join us for the service.  This is a “don’t miss” event! See you there!
There will be NO JHS CLASSES on Monday, October 31st.
There will be NO TORAH CENTER CLASSES on Sunday, November 6th.