
Capital Fund

To support the needed capital repairs and improvements to Temple’s building.

Diskin Music Fund

Established by Betty Diskin in memory of her husband Arthur and their sons William and Robert to present innovative and special music and music education programs for the religious school, Temple, and the community.

Cantor Kalix Jacobson Discretionary Fund

Assists the Cantor in programs helpful to the pursuit of their work and in the enrichment of congregation and Jewish life, both programmatically and philanthropically.

Cemetery Beautification Fund

Enhances Temple Emanuel’s Cemetery beyond perpetual care.

Charlotte & Peter Cooper Garden Fund

Supports the planting and upkeep of the Cooper Garden section of the courtyard gardens.

Eileen Wolf Memorial Fund

Provides special treats for Torah Center students at holidays.

General Fund

Supports ongoing budgetary needs.

Holocaust Memorial Garden Fund

Supports the planting and upkeep of the garden in the courtyard area which memorializes the six million Jews lost during World War II and those who survived.

Jack & Harriet Marks B’nei Mitzvah Scholarship Fund

Supports B’nei Mitzvah tutoring fees and B’nei Mitzvah-year Torah Center tuition for families in need.

Jeanne Glasspool Nursery School Fund

Provides special equipment, repairs, and maintenance of the indoor gym.

Larry & Brenda Miller Memorial Caring Community Fund

Facilitates care to members of our congregation in times of crisis.

Louise “Sissie” Sperling Endowment Fund

Honors the memory of our beloved Temple administrator, Sissie Sperling. Your gift enriches our operating budget and celebrates your commitment to our future.

Mark Levin Scholarship Fund

Provides scholarships to students for Torah Center on the basis of demonstrated financial need.

Martha Klein Lottman Family Fund

Provides matching monies for Jewish Early Childhood Education Initiative & related projects.

Nan Simon ECDC Fund

Provides ECDC staff training and technology in the classroom.

Rabbi Meyer’s Discretionary Fund

Assists the Senior Rabbi in programs helpful to the pursuit of his/her work and in the enrichment of congregation and Jewish life, both programmatically and philanthropically.

Rabbi Mark Joel Mahler Rabbinic Chair Fund

To secure the financial stability of our congregation by funding the Senior Rabbi position in perpetuity.

Rabbi William Sajowitz Endowment Fund

Created to honor and now memorialize our Rabbi Emeritus, William Sajowitz, and to support, enhance, and ensure special programs for our youth and the entire congregation.

Rebecca Revsin Memorial Fund

Supports the religious school through the purchase of special materials and equipment.

Richard A. Cohn & Charlotte Cohn Memorial Scholarship Fund

Provides an annual freshman grant to deserving students who are Temple members and whose accomplishments and character merit this award. This fund is managed by The Pittsburgh Foundation. Please send your check payable to The Pittsburgh Foundation with the name of the fund (Richard A. and Charlotte Cohn Memorial Scholarship Fund) in the memo line to 5 PPG Place, Suite 250, Pittsburgh, PA 15222.

Shelly Cohen Classroom Fund

For classroom refurbishment.

Security Fund

Supports Temple Emanuel’s security needs.

Yahrzeit Remembrance Fund

Purchases new items and restores and refurbishes our sanctuary and social hall and helps with ongoing operational expenses.

Zolot Israel Adult Scholarship Fund

Provides a yearly scholarship to help offset the cost of a Temple sponsored trip or Reform Movement Mission to Israel for one adult member of Temple who requires financial assistance.