Free Webinar-The Resilient Human: The Four Secrets to Get You There!
In recognition of how difficult the past month and a half has been for our community here and in Israel, Temple Emanuel is offering a FREE webinar by best-selling author Dorice Horenstein on resiliency. Register here: Presenter Dorice Horenstein Dorice is a Positive Intelligence expert and a best-selling author of Moments of the Heart: […]
Friday Afternoon Torah Study
Temple’s Shabbat morning Torah Study frequently focuses on a single idea or verse, leaving much on the cutting room floor for further exploration. Curious what else the sages of our tradition were thinking? Join Rabbi Meyer on Zoom by clicking here for a 45 minute sneak peek!
Friday Afternoon Torah Study
Temple’s Shabbat morning Torah Study frequently focuses on a single idea or verse, leaving much on the cutting room floor for further exploration. Curious what else the sages of our tradition were thinking? Join Rabbi Meyer on Zoom by clicking here for a 45 minute sneak peek!
KIDdish Club
KIDdish Club offers a kid-friendly dinner, craft projects and play time; and a fast-paced musical introduction to Shabbat. Don’t worry if you can’t make it right at 5:00pm — you can drop in anytime! While this program is designed with those ages 0-6 in mind, older siblings, parents and even grandparents are welcome. Rebecca Closson, […]
Annual Chanukah Shabbat Dinner
Celebrate Chanukah at Temple! Join us for a delicious dairy Shabbat dinner – salmon, crunchy fish sticks, macaroni and cheese, latkes with apple sauce & parve sour cream, salad & more! Bring your hanukkiah (menorah) and candles and we’ll light them together. Stay for our Shabbat evening service and we’ll enjoy donuts and other treats at the oneg. […]
All levels of players are welcome. Snacks will be provided. RSVP to Sarah Mangan.
South Hills Community Chanukah Celebration at Temple Emanuel
We will do crafts, eat latkes, learn more about Chanukah with our South Hills clergy, and play bingo! Register here by December 1.
TERMS Meeting
Temple Emanuel Retirees in Mitzvah Service In the Community Room or join on Zoom using this link.