Beating the Winter Blahs

It is STILL cold and snowy outside…sigh. But here at the Torah Center we are doing our best to beat the winter blahs. Check out what ‘s going on…

The Kindergarten had fun in the art room:


The 1st Grade continued to visit the Library to check out books as part of the Parent Connection Reading Program and had a great time Israeli dancing with the Pre-K class:



The 2nd Grade worked on their Hebrew letters:





The 3rd Grade made Challah covers to be included in the Shabbat bags sent to congregants who are ill and continued their Hebrew studies:





The 4th Grade practiced Hebrew numbers with Dominoes:



The 5th Grade learned about Jewish Weddings and made Ketubot (the Jewish marriage contract/certificate):


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The 6th Grade participated in their own ‘cooking show’ and got to taste hummus, Israeli salad and other special treats:




And now…this weeks trivia question answer: Hamantaschen is a German word meaning Haman’s pockets. Have your child come tell me the answer and claim their prize!


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Coming Up:

Our next Shabbat LaMishpacha Dinner and Family service of the year is Friday, March 7th! Please let Lori in the main office know if you are able to attend the dinner. The cost is $15 for adults, $5.50 for children under 14. Can’t make it to the dinner?  Join us for the service.  This is a “don’t miss” event! See you there!

Join our Temple Emanuel family for a pizza party, costume parade and contest and, of course, to listen to our SPECIAL Billy Joel PurimSpiel! The fun begins in the Temple Emanuel Social Hall on Saturday, March 15th at 5:45 pm.

Temple Emanuel’s PURIM CARNIVAL!!! Games, food, prizes and much more… Tickets, refreshments and hamantaschen will be available for purchase. On Sunday, March 16th, the fun begins from 11:30-12:00 for preschoolers only and continues from 12:00-2 for children of all ages!