Our community invites you to to celebrate the High Holy Days with Temple Emanuel of South Hills! With inspiring music from Cantor Kalix Jacobson, Rebecca Closson, and Spike Kraus; relevant and meaningful messages from Rabbi Aaron Meyer and Rabbi Emeritus Mark Mahler; and a warm welcome from all our staff and lay leadership, we hope this year’s holidays make you feel at home.

High Holy Days Resources

High Holy Days 5785 Bulletin

Members will receive a print version of the magazine which will include High Holy Day Passes for all services.

If you are not a member and would like to attend our services, please contact the office (412.279.7600) for more information.

High Holy Days Schedule at a Glance

Tashlich, the ceremony where we symbolically cast away our transgressions as part of the process of teshuvah, is deeply reflective. Where have I missed the mark and seek to do better? With whom do I still need to make amends? Prayers and readings can be found here so that you can find meaning in this ancient tradition whether you choose to join us in-person or do-it-yourself.