Matzoh Ball Soup, Anyone?

At the end of June, Fran Rossoff coordinated a special project cooking matzoh ball soup for the Temple Emanuel Caring Community. A team of Temple members (Bonnie Benhayon, Stephanie Claypool, Sara Frey, Deb Madaras, Amy Pardo) and Fran gathered at 9 am in the Temple kitchen and got to work cutting chicken and vegetables, cooking broth, and making matzoh balls.

Twenty quarts of soup later, the work was finished, and the products were separated into three containers – chicken soup broth, matzoh balls, and chicken/vegetables.

This delicious matzoh ball soup is now sent home with Shabbat Bags to Temple members who are ill or have recently returned from the hospital.

Our next project will be to make more soup or a pasta dish to be frozen and sent home.

If you know of someone who would benefit from a Shabbat Bag, please contact Linda at [email protected].