We welcome you to join us for worship, education and community in our synagogue. We are a Reform Jewish congregation located in the South Hills of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

1250 Bower Hill Road Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Phone: (412) 279-7600


USC Municipal Park 1820 McLaughlin Run Road, Upper St. Clair

Tashlich, the ceremony where we symbolically cast away our transgressions as part of the process of teshuvah, adds reflective action to our prayers. Where have I missed the mark and […]

Cemetery Service

Jewish tradition commends those who honor their departed during this auspicious time of year. Together we remember our loved ones, interred in Mt. Lebanon or elsewhere, through a ceremony of […]

Family Service

Family services (virtual) -  Stories and songs touch upon the themes of the day in engaging and creative ways.  


Together we remember the loved ones who have gone before us, those upon whose shoulders we stand. In addition to reciting the traditional memorial prayers, we will hold space and […]